Monday, January 13, 2014

Introduction to Fargoexpedia

Hi everyone!

First of all,we would like to show our fullest of gratitude to all of you for lending your precious time visiting this blog.

Before we continue further with the posts,we would like to introduce ourselves,the people behind this blog.

We are students of Intec Education College,which is located in Shah Alam,Malaysia.We are currently doing the American Degree Foundation Program for a year before we continue our degree in the United States.And that pretty much sums it up for our introduction!

But,all of you must be wondering about the main objective of this blog.Right?

"The world is a book,and those who do not travel only read a page" - Saint Augustine

"No one realises how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old,familiar pillow" - Lin Yutang

"To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries" - Aldous Huxley

Have all of you read the quotes above?Got a clue of what will this blog be about?

Indeed.Apart from being an assignment for our Computer and Info Process subject,this blog is solely about traveling and it is surely dedicated to all people especially those who really love to travel.

In this blog,we will post about some countries that are considered as the best destinations of traveling.Every infos regarding most interesting places to visit in a particular country,nearby food destinations,value for money accomodation rates and more will be posted in this blog.

And,let's get started!

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