Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hello guys! For this entry, we would like to share with all of you about Singapore! Before we tell you about the uniqueness of this little country, we would like to share with you a little bit about Singapore.
Singapore is officially known as Republic of Singapore. It is situated at southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is 137 km north of the equator. There are many interesting places in Singapore. Although this country was very small, but it contains a lot of knowledge and excitement.

1) Universal Studios Singapore
 This theme park has 7 theme which all these 7 themes surrounded a lagoon. The themes are    Hollywood, New York, Sci-fi City, Ancient Egypt, The Lost World, Far-far Away and Madagascar. The Universal Studios of Singapore was very big. You may took almost a day or more in order to treasure this Universal Studios. In addition to that, you may get the opportunity to watch shrek movie in 4D!! When you reached here, You will be amazed with Universal Studios's Globe. It was extremely big and it is also the landmark of Universal studios in the world. Apart from that, to make your trip to Universal Studios Singapore, there are several advise that we wanted to include in order to make your trip smoother:
a) Come early in the morning, because if you late, you may lack of time to discover  the whole of Universal Studios.
b) Make an early reservation for your tickets. It might be frustrating if the ticket were sold out. The entrance tickets usually will be sold out just in the morning.
c) Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. You are advised to wear pants and not skirts. Besides, you are really not advised to wear high heels as you may make you regretted for wear it. You are advised to just wear flat shoes or jelly shoes.
Globe of Universal Studios Singapore

Videos of Universal Studios Singapore
Shrek 4D cinema
2) Science Centre, Singapore
Science centre, Singapore or before this known as Singapore Science Centre was very suitable for parents to bring their children, school trip or gaining knowledge involving science. Science Centre, Singapore, ws very big and wide. At the entrance door, you will be given a map. You need to keep that map safely. If not, you will be lost in the Science Centre. Apart from that, this Science centre also contained more than 1000 of exhibition. What is more is you may experienced travelling exhibitions at this Science Centre, Singapore. As for me, at my past visit, I really like the Waterworks exhibition. It teached me how water being processed and being sent to our home and other users. I can guaranteed that you will never regret when you choose Science Centre, Singapore as one of your destination when you come to Singapore.
Logo of Science Centre, Singapore

Waterworks Exhibition at Science Centre, Singapore.
Front view of the Science Centre

1. http://www.utravel.com.hk/package/detail.php?id=ADgRYxEgA3c
2. http://orchestroscopy.blogspot.com/2010/10/universal-studios-singapore.html
3. http://www.parkscout.com/attraction/science-centre-singapore/edutainment-in-singapore-singapur-city

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